So, I'm still a bit new to Newgrounds, but I think I'm figuring things out. Wanted a platform other than Twitter to post drawings and stuff to; I've seen quite a few people banned on the site for ridiculous reasons, and didn't want all of my stuff to go down in case that were to happen to me. And besides, I like having options open. I tried Pillowfort for a while roughly a year ago, but Pillowfort's kinda not very active, so here I am.
I actually joined a while back, posted one piece of artwork, then kinda dipped for a while. Wasn't aware of the whole scouting process to get into the art portal until last night, so I decided to dump some other stuff I've done. I was intending to post more stuff to the forums in an effort to get scouted, going off Jun's guide, but I woke up and found that several people had seen my stuff and already given me scouting invitations, including a mutual off Twitter (hey @DannyRGR2000), so thanks for that.
Going forward, I'm going to post finished stuff to both Twitter and Newgrounds (stuff will probably end up on here ahead of Twitter because I don't need to worry about the time of day I need to post). Also gonna look around, see if there are other artists on here I recognize.
So yeah, that's about it. Hope you're all doing well.